Waypoint Management



Waypoint Symbols




Waypoint List


Select Waypoint

Scroll list to view
available waypoints

Search Options
Select desired waypoint


Spell Search

[Spell Search]
Enter search term

Waypoints with search
term listed by proximity


Select Symbol

[Select Symbol]
Choose desired symbol
Waypoints with selected
symbol listed by proximity


Search Near

[Search Near]
Choose from available
Search Near options



Select [Nearest]
Waypoints are listed
by proximity

Select [Alphabetical]
Waypoints are listed alphabetically

[Find In List]

[Select Symbol]





Waypoint List
Select Waypoint
to delete
Waypoint marked
for deletion

Repeat as needed
Select [Delete]
Select [Delete] to proceed
Select [Cancel] to abort

[Select All]
Marks all waypoints
for deletion
[Select None]
Clears all waypoints
marked for deletion




Waypoint Menu


Edit Symbol

[Select Waypoint]
Select waypoint symbol
Choose desired symbol
Waypoint symbol updated


Edit Name

[Select Waypoint]
Select waypoint name
Enter new name

Waypoint name updated


Edit Note

[Select Waypoint]
Select waypoint note
Enter desired text

Waypoint note updated


Edit Location

[Select Waypoint]
Select waypoint location
Edit Coordinates

Waypoint location


Edit Elevation

[Select Waypoint]
Select waypoint
Enter elevation value

Waypoint elevation


Edit Depth

[Select Waypoint] Select waypoint depth Enter depth value
Waypoint depth updated


View Map

[Select Waypoint]
Select [View Map]
Select [Info Box]
Waypoint details
are displayed




Option Menu


Delete Waypoint

Delete confirmation
Select [Delete] to proceed
Select [Cancel] to abort


Change Photo

[Change Photo]
Select desired photo
Select [Use]
Waypoint displayed using
selected photo


Average Location

[Average Location]
Press [Start] to begin
Select [Yes] to proceed
Select [No] to abort

Confidence level will
fluctuate during
sampling process
[Save] sample when
confidence level
value is acceptable
Waypoint coordinates and
sample count are updated


Project Waypoint

[Project Waypoint]
Enter bearing

Select distance units
Enter distance

Select [Save] to return
to waypoint list
Select [Save and Edit] to
view projected waypoint
Projected waypoint details
Projected waypoint map


Move Waypoint

[Move Waypoint]
Current waypoint position
Move red pin to new location
and select [Move]
Waypoint location is updated


Find Near Here

[Find Near Here]
Choose from available 'Where To?' options


Set Proximity

[Set Proximity]
Enter desired radius

Proximity ring displayed
around waypoint
Proximity alert displayed
near waypoint


Add to Course

[Add to Course]
Select desired course, or
create a new course
Waypoint successfully
added to selected course


Add to Route

[Add to Route]
Select desired route, or
create a new route
Waypoint successfully
added to selected route


Reposition Here

[Reposition Here] [Yes] Original waypoint location Waypoint location updated
to current GPSr position