Proximity alerts and speed alerts

Discussion related to the Garmin eTrex 22x, 32x GPSr
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Proximity alerts and speed alerts

Unread post by 987 »

Etrex 32x with firmware 2.70.
Noted two issues with the unit.

Loading points of interest with speed alerts using a pre-compiled gpi or usinf POI loader seems to add the points, show them on the map, but never trigger the alarm. The very same file works on devices such as GPSMAP 66s/st.

Creating a proximity alert from the menu -> Proximity Alarms -> Create alarm.
Select some point to use, then enter the radius. The message text says: Enter Radius in miles, even though the unit is set up to use metric standard.
Either it is only the text that is incorrect but the input is in kilometers, or both are incorrect.
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Re: Proximity alerts and speed alerts

Unread post by GPSrChive »

can you share the POI files for testing (publicly or privately)?
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Re: Proximity alerts and speed alerts

Unread post by 987 »

Related to point 2.
The distance is actually in miles even if metric units are set up.
The text is correct if one considers the fact that the alarm distance is is miles.
In my opinion it is an error because if the unit is set up to metric the distance should be in km.

Related to point 1.
I wonder if that could be the reason for not alarming, say i have a camera alert on 70km/h, the etrex 32x unit considers 70 as 70 mi/h and because 70 km/h is only around 44 mi/h it is too far below the threshold and does not alarm at all. Just a thought, but hard to know for sure.
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Re: Proximity alerts and speed alerts

Unread post by 987 »

I have now made a test.

I created a small file with two test positions with speed alert, one for 10 and one for 30.
They were imported using POI Loader with manuel setting for km/h and meters.
This is how the points show up on the map as well, if one clicks them they say "alarm at 10 km/h" and similar for 30 km/h.

When approaching the points "Proximity alarm" beep is sounding once.
Not the speed alert and not the signals for approaching or leaving proximity alarm.

There is no text shown on the unit.

I cannot fully say if there is a threshold issue as well, but anyhow it is not the correct alarm, at least for the 10 km/h limit, which i was certainly above since the road is 50 km/h.
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