1.1. Find the point of intersection between two bearings from two points
1.1.1. Find the coordinates for a distant landmark within visual range
Landmark (X) in visual range | Save current location as Waypoint (B) |
Project a waypoint beyond Landmark (X) |
Save Waypoint (A) |
Move to a new location and save Waypoint (C) |
Project a waypoint beyond Landmark (X) |
Save Waypoint (D) | Create new route on GPSr... |
...from Waypoint (A) to (B)... | ...add Waypoint (B) to (C)... | ...finish Waypoint (C) to (D) | Mark Waypoint (X) at route intersection |
1.1.2. Find the coordinates for an unknown waypoint where two
locations and bearings are known
Move to first location and save as Waypoint (B) |
Project a waypoint at specified Bearing |
Save Waypoint (A) | Move to second location... |
Save second location as waypoint (C) |
Project a waypoint at specified Bearing |
Save Waypoint (D) | Create new route on GPSr... |
...from Waypoint (A) to (B)... | ...add Waypoint (B) to (C)... | ...finish Waypoint (C) to (D) | Mark Waypoint (X) at route intersection |
1.2. Find the point of intersection between two bearings to two points
Move to first location and save as Waypoint (B) |
Project a waypoint at specified Bearing |
Save Waypoint (A) | Move to second location... |
Save second location as waypoint (C) |
Project a waypoint at specified Bearing |
Save Waypoint (D) | Create new route on GPSr... |
...from Waypoint (A) to (B)... | ...add Waypoint (B) to (C)... | ...finish Waypoint (C) to (D) | Mark Waypoint (X) at route intersection |
2.1. Find the point of intersection between multiple points with known distances
Two known locations, points (A) and (B) |
Create Proximity Alert at specified distance for point (A) |
Create Proximity Alert at specified distance for point (B) |
Two solutions exist where Proximity (A) and (B) intersect |
Three known locations, points (A), (B) and (C) |
Two solutions
exist where Proximity (A) and (B) intersect |
Create Proximity Alert at specified distance for point (C) |
Mark Waypoint (X) where Proximity (A)(B)(C) intersect |
3.1. Find the points of intersection on a circle with a line by bearing
Save 'Circle' location as Waypoint (A) |
Move to 'Bearing' location and save as Waypoint (B) |
Create Proximity Alert at specified distance for point (A) |
Project a waypoint at specified Bearing |
Save Waypoint (C) | Create new route on GPSr... | ...from Waypoint (B) to (C) | Two solutions
exist where (B)(C) intersects (A) |
4.1. Find the midpoint between two known points
Two known locations, points (A) and (B) |
Create new route on GPSr from waypoint (A) to (B) |
Create Proximity Alert (A)
at ½ distance of Route (A)(B) |
Create Proximity Alert (B) equal to Proximity Alert (A) |
Adjust both Proximity Alerts in equal increments if they do not overlap precisely |
Proximity Alerts (A)
and (B) exhibit correct overlap |
Mark location where Proximity Alerts (A) and (B) intersect Route (A)(B) |
Saved Waypoint (X)
is (A)(B) midpoint |
4.2. Find the midpoint between three known points
Three known locations, points (A), (B) and (C) |
Create new route on GPSr from waypoint (A) to (B) and record route distance |
Create new route on GPSr from waypoint (B) to (C) and record route distance |
Create new route on GPSr from waypoint (C) to (A) and record route distance |
Solution will be between longest route (A)(B) and shortest route (C)(A) |
Create Proximity Alert for any point using a value between (A)(B) and (C)(A) |
Create Proximity Alerts for remaining points using the same value |
If Proximity Alerts do not all overlap, increase the value and repeat process |
Create a Proximity Alert for any point using new value |
Create Proximity Alerts for remaining points using the same value |
If all Proximity Alerts overlap but do not intersect at same point, reduce value and repeat |
Create a Proximity Alert for any point using new value |
Create Proximity Alerts for remaining points using the same value |
Mark Waypoint
(X) where all Proximity Alerts intersect at same point |
Saved Waypoint (X)
is (A)(B)(C) midpoint |
Create Proximity Alert
(X) using final (A)(B)(C) value to verify solution |
5.1. Find coordinates to form an equilateral triangle from two known points
Two known locations, points (A) and (B) |
Create new route on GPSr from waypoint (A) to (B) |
Find total distance for Route (A)(B) |
Create Proximity Alert (A) using distance (A)(B) |
Adjust Proximity Alert (A) distance as required for precise intersection with point (B) |
Create Proximity Alert (B) equal to Proximity Alert (A) |
Mark Waypoints
(X) and
(Y) where Proximity Alerts (A) and (B) intersect |
(A)(Y)(B) form Equilateral Triangles |