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Issue after update to 4.7: Garmin maps lost

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 7:01 am
by bonstetten
I‘m currently on holiday with wlan at the accomodation.
Today on my 66st the new update appeard and I insatalled it (over wlan, directly on the device).

After the reboot and testing some new feature my Garmin-Topo Map (on SD card, bought from Garmin) disappeard! (I was using it on an other profile, so I do not realized that immediatly)

Even after removing the card and some reboots with / without the sd-card (bought from Garmin) only the integrated topo Maps from the device are available.

Of course I planned a mountain hike for today, for which I bought the additional and now no longer available „Swiss topo“ Map from Garmin. An no, I have just an iPad, not an PC available to do diagnositcs on file level.

Hey Garmin. Not the first time this happened - last time they replaced the device. Can‘t belive thats a problem with the hardware.
I’m again disapointed. Hoping to find the way today with „paper map“. :cry:

Re: Issue after update to 4.7: Garmin maps lost

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 11:59 am
by paulxtr
Yes, 4.70 has definitely impacted the handling of the microSD card.

I've been happily using a Kingston 128 GB microSD since I bought my 66s (back in February 2019) and have had no problems with maps, BirdsEye imagery, GPX files, POIs etc. on the card.

After the 4.70 update nothing on the card is showing on the menus. I tried a Samsung 32 GB card and that seemed OK.

I regressed back to 4.20 and all the maps, tracks, POIs etc. on the 128 GB card are visible again, so at least there's no damage to the files.

I know that 'officially' only 32 GB microSD cards are supported on the 66s, but this is still a disappointing development. Even my 2011 GPSmap 62sc (unofficially) supports 128 GB cards!

I'm going to test some other cards tonight to try to determine whether the issue is due to the size of the card or some other factor.

Re: Issue after update to 4.7: Garmin maps lost

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 1:33 pm
by GPSrChive
It appears some basic USB/microSD card protocols have recently been updated system wide as similar issues are being reported with multiple devices.

Yes, 32GB is the maximum official supported microSD card size, yet many of us have been using 64GB and 128GB microSD cards without issue for some time on many of these same models.

We eagerly await your test report, paulxtr!

Re: Issue after update to 4.7: Garmin maps lost

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 1:37 pm
by GPSrChive
bonstetten, was the Garmin Topo map you can not use after the 4.70 update purchased on the microSD card or as a download to the microSD card? Which Topo map (part number)? Can you please send us your 'Garmin\GarminDevice.xml' file when you have access to a computer again? Also, a screen capture showing all files in the 'Garmin' directory on the microSD card. Thank You!

Re: Issue after update to 4.7: Garmin maps lost

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:33 pm
by bonstetten
In addition to my statement this morning:
- ALL Garmin Maps disappeard: the "integrated" t-device map, the World-3D-Model and the map I bought from Garmin and that was already installed on the micro SD-Card (Product: ... 4-PRO.html)
- The only maps still available are two OSM-Maps I had installed on the internal memory
- Also some settings in a profile where changed after update (position system)
- There was no crash or "freeze" during or after the update, the batteries were full

I found access to a PC (I will switch back to 4.2), attached the screenshots of the micro SD-Card and the internal memory.
The XML-File can not be uploaded an can be found here during the next 10 days: ... e.xml?dl=0

Re: Issue after update to 4.7: Garmin maps lost

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:46 pm
by GPSrChive
Thank you! Too late to get the system.xml for 4.70?

Re: Issue after update to 4.7: Garmin maps lost

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:59 pm
by bonstetten
yes, to late -sorry. I just downgraded to 4.2 as long I can use the PC - the maps are back again, even all my profiles/settings are deleted/reset. But I've a working device for my hike tomorrow.

Do you have connection to Garmin? Are they aware what they did with the new release? Do you know if the have a bugtracing system, a quality process and testing procedures/regression tests in the sw development? I'm aware, that errors can happen - but if hours after the release simple users has to find such errors (again and again) that i can not understand.
If they do not have money or time to do testing: Why Garmin does not find some users here in the community and do some silent BETA-Testing in advance?

Re: Issue after update to 4.7: Garmin maps lost

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 4:08 pm
by GPSrChive
All the maps are now functional?

That's great!

Once your trip is complete and you return home, I suggest allowing the 4.70 update to complete again. You are the only user I am currently aware of that has reported this issue, and many have been very happy after 470 update. It may have been a one time fluke.

I would love to see the GarminDevice.xml and System.xml now that everything is working properly.

Yes, Garmin does testing before release. More now than ever before. And yes, they keep it very silent 8^)

Re: Issue after update to 4.7: Garmin maps lost

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 4:20 pm
by bonstetten
Should I do the upgrade again "on the device" or using Garmin Express on the Mac/PC?
By the way: An other user above also reported an issue with the SD-Card.

Re: Issue after update to 4.7: Garmin maps lost

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 4:42 pm
by GPSrChive
Both methods should work OK. I suspect your first failure was a one time glitch.

FYI: I do create a new 'dummy' profile named 'Update' on all my devices and always switch to this profile before doing a firmware update, so if any settings get changed or corrupted, hopefully only the 'dummy' profile is affected.

Looking forward to hearing how your second attempt turns out!