Navigating a Distant Route

Discussion related to the Garmin GPSMAP 67 series GPSr
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Navigating a Distant Route

Unread post by murphy2mj »

I have added a route between 2 points in TX. I am currently in WA. When I choose "GO" for the chosen route, the navigation starts with my current location as the starting point. It is as if I can't navigate a route unless I am physically at the designated start point. Any ideas as to what I may be wrong? Thank you
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Re: Navigating a Distant Route

Unread post by GPSrChive »

This is normal operation. If not already at the Route Start point, the device will navigate you to it.

You can turn GPS Off (Demo Mode), select a location on the map near the start point, then simulate navigating the desired route from there.
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