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Elevation Gain to Destination [Request 36]

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 6:59 am
by ynikolov
Hello everybody,

Coming from trail running its vital for me to get the elevation gain to a waypoint/destination from my current position. I have been playing with different handheld devices and finally ended up with 66sr. Still can not see a data field that shows the remaining accent - total from my current position to a destination when navigating a long a course/track/route.
Will appreciate any thoughts on the topic


Re: Elevation Gain to Destination [Request 36]

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 8:54 am
by GPSrChive
Congratulations on your new GPSMAP 66sr and welcome to GPSrChive!

I suspect the Data Fields 'Vertical Dist. to Dest.' and 'Vertical Dist. to Next.' may provide the information you desire.

Please see: GPSrChive > GPSMAP 66sr > Operation > Data Fields or GPSrChive > How To... > Data Fields for additional details.

Re: Elevation Gain to Destination [Request 36]

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 9:21 am
by ynikolov
Thanks for the fast reaction.
This would be true if the way to the destination is only uphill. The track/route/course consists of just one climb with no additional small ups and downs
As far as I understand Vertical Dist. to Dest. should be the altitude difference between two points.
- For example if I am at 500m and my destination is at 1100m than the Vertical Dist. to Dest should be 1100 - 500 = 600m.
- A second example: if I start from 500m and have to climb up 200 than descent 100 and do this a few times in a row before reaching the destinations I would probably have accumulated more than 600m of climbing.
As a trail runner this information helps to deal with distributing effort. I might have just 100m Vertical Dist. to the finish line however if there are 10 uphils/downhils with 80m each, I would need to climb a total of 800m till the finish line and not 100m

I hope i was able to describe it correctly


Re: Elevation Gain to Destination [Request 36]

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 10:02 am
by GPSrChive
Ahh, understood.

These data fields do not currently exist for Garmin Outdoor Handheld devices.

We have requested Garmin consider including these new data fields in a future update:
  • Ascent to Next
  • Ascent to Dest
  • Descent to Next
  • Descent to Dest
Than you for the request!

Re: Elevation Gain to Destination [Request 36]

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 10:06 am
by ynikolov
This is great! Thanks