GPSMAP 66sr Routing Issues

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GPSMAP 66sr Routing Issues

Unread post by Nail »

Hi, I am new to the forum, but I have been watching you for a long time.
It was this forum that influenced my choice of the 66sr.
I have been getting to know the device for several weeks and trying to make friends with it. I've understood a lot by now, but there are places that seem obvious but aren't really.
I will discuss the problem of the routes view that I create in BaseCamp or convert the track taken from another place with this program. In BaseCamp everything looks fine, but after sending to 66sr the route view is completely different, the lines go up like a 3d image. I checked the profile settings in every place I have "hiking"
Converting in 66sr track >> course >> route gives the right view, but the image is displayed after a long time and the screen at the beginning is flashing.
Below are pictures with a view.
Do you have any suggestions?
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Re: GPSMAP 66sr Routing Issues

Unread post by pokyyy »

I had the exact same problem until I was told by Garmin to choose "Direct" from the drop down menu on Basecamp instead of "Hiking" or "Walking". That is the drop down menu, one before last, next to the picture of the little rocket (task launcher).
Your Garmin device has "Direct Routing" turned off, that should also be on.
My device is not with me this week (lent it to a friend) but I think "Lock on Road" should be off too. Yours is on.
Let us know how it goes.
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Re: GPSMAP 66sr Routing Issues

Unread post by GPSrChive »

First, I agree, 'Lock on Road' should be OFF. In fact, there is no reason to ever have this turned on when using a modern GPSr.

I am not certain that using 'Direct' routing on the GPSr is correct for your application. This results in the GPSr directing you from one point to the next as the crow flies and does not follow any map data. I would suggest keeping this configured as "No" for now, just as you already have it.

I like to configure my Routing options always for 'Prompted', which allows me to select the best routing method each time I start a new route.

When you create a route in BaseCamp, you can export it with the routing data BaseCamp is configured for, and you can export it 'Direct' without any routing data which results in a list of ordered points. Many users will export BOTH (add "-D" and "-R" suffix to route name if necessary to remember which is which).

One caveat here is that if you export the route from BaseCamp WITH routing information, it will only be valid for the settings as configured in BaseCamp, and only for the Map that is active in BaseCamp, and your GPSr may not have the same settings or maps to use. This frequently results in strange routing behavior, or no routing behavior. Routes exported with routing data embedded are limited to 50 points total.

If you export from BaseCamp in 'Direct' routing, the GPSr can navigate the points in order using the routing settings as configured on the device and the enabled map data, when using routable maps. This method is far more flexible, allowing the same route to be used on multiple devices configured differently to achieve different results. Routes exported in 'Direct' are limited to 250 points total.

To read more about Route Creation methods and limits, please see:

1. GPSrChive > GPSMAP 66sr > Pages > Route Planner

2. GPSrChive > BaseCamp > Routes

3. GPSrChive > How To... > Routes

Now that we have discussed 'Routing' for a moment, lets move on to new and exciting features your GPSMAP 66sr just recently acquired:


You may find that Courses work much better for your needs, but only experimentation will reveal the truth here, as each persons needs and desires are different!

Might I suggest loading the tracks to your GPSMAP 66sr that you want to convert to Routes in BaseCamp, skipping BaseCamp altogether, and converting those tracks to Courses on the GPSMAP 66sr, then navigate the newly created Courses and see how you like that?

Please see:

1. GPSrChive > GPSMAP 66sr > Pages > Course Planner

2. GPSrChive > How To... > Courses

Please let us know what changes you make and tests you perform, and the results you achieve!
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Re: GPSMAP 66sr Routing Issues

Unread post by Nail »

Thank you for your constructive help.
I did a series of tests according to your suggestions, but first I updated the maps in 66sr. I am using OSMap for Garmin which has a weekly update. I installed this update in BaseCamp, but in 66sr the map was not up to date.
I created a new "direct" route in Basecamp and uploaded it to the 66sr (let's call it "B").
The previous problematic route with the "Hiking" profile in BaseCamp, (let's call it "H").
Now after updating the OSMap in 66sr, Settings 66sr: Direct routing "off", Activity "Hiking", Lock on Road "off"
"H" route started to display properly. Conclusion, the map data in both places is the same and the problem is gone :) .
"B" route started to display properly. The problem can be considered to be over.
Another test. I turned off the OSMap, I turned on another TOPO, a poorer map.
The "H" problematic route displays correctly even on a road that does not exist on this map :lol:.
The "B" route has crumbled across the map, even in places that have a path. Screenshot below :( .
When enabled, "direct routing" makes the lines straight from point to point, so it is not practical.
The question is why with a different map the output from BaseCamp "direct routing" still displays badly.
One more thing, when I was converting a track to a route in Basecamp, I selected a choice of 250 points ("direct routing"). 66sr cut the route to 50 points. I had to go back to converting back to 50 points.
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Re: GPSMAP 66sr Routing Issues

Unread post by GPSrChive »

You had the 66sr set to 'Hiking', so it had to reduce the direct route to 50 points.

As stated in the links provided in my earlier post, any time you use any routing method other than direct, you are limited to 50 points.

Have you tested the Courses functionality yet?
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Re: GPSMAP 66sr Routing Issues

Unread post by Nail »

I haven't tested the courses yet, I did the tests at work;).
Now I understand those 250 points.
The view of this route displayed on a map other than in BaseCamp is problematic.
The route is devoid of information in Basecamp "direct routing" as you suggested.
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Re: GPSMAP 66sr Routing Issues

Unread post by GPSrChive »

Please list every map enabled when that screen capture was taken.

Also, please configure your device with Setup > System > Text Language = English and retest.
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Re: GPSMAP 66sr Routing Issues

Unread post by Nail »

I conducted the tests using the English language. I did it right after the first contact on the forum to talk about the same thing.
The tests in Polish and English give the same results.
The routing result depends on the map.
No. 1. This is the OSMapa PL map, I have this map installed in BaseCamp and in 66sr.
No. 2. PL Topo
No. 3. Today I also included the EU Topo East in the tests.
During testing, I only had one map turned on, the others were turned off.
View for the same route created in BaseCamp "direct routing"
Map No. 2. PL Topo. It's no surprise that cars are going into the lakes.
Map No. 3 EU Topo
Routes routed in BaseCamp "Hiking" behave correctly in both maps.
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Re: GPSMAP 66sr Routing Issues

Unread post by mimichris »

Why not follow a trail, which I do and avoid all those waypoints. For me, it's the simplest and most effective.
GPSMAP66sr, GPSMAP67, GPSII+, Twonav Cross.
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Re: GPSMAP 66sr Routing Issues

Unread post by GPSrChive »

I ask which maps are active in the GPSr because I am unable to duplicate your erratic routing in my device, but I don't have the maps you are using on my device, so I suspect this may be a map issue.

So long as the route is exported from BaseCamp as direct, the GPSr will use available map routing data to connect the route points.

Disabling all maps on the GPSr will show you the Direct point-to-point version of the route. Then enabling maps one at a time will allow you to see how that route is interpreted for each map.
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