Rino 750 AUS UHF CB Fault - Channel 40

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Rino 750 AUS UHF CB Fault - Channel 40

Unread post by Wombo »

Rino 750 AUS UHF CB radio has a long standing product issue and Channel 40 remains unusable.

UHF Channel 40 is the primary vehicle Road/Highway channel in Australia, and commonly used for vehicle communication and safety. It is also used for emergency contact by walkers to any nearby vehicles in remote areas where designated emergency channel monitoring is typically out of range.

Selecting Channel 40 emits a constant noise and indicates reception regardless of the circumstances.

Garmin have acknowledged the problem from at least as far back as 2017, and have continually advised the issue is being urgently addressed but with no solution to date.

Some users have reported that Garmin has privately acknowledged they are unable to resolve with firmware or device replacements and have offered refunds in line with local consumer law.
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Re: Rino 750 AUS UHF CB Fault - Channel 40

Unread post by GPSrChive »

What do other radios do when tuned to 477.4000 MHz?

I am not there (down under) to test, so I only have your descriptions of the problem to work with.
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Re: Rino 750 AUS UHF CB Fault - Channel 40

Unread post by Wombo »

Selecting channel 40 results in constant background white noise, not unlike receiving a weak transmission with no audio present.
It cannot be squelched even with squelch maxed, and any legitimate transmissions on the channel cannot be heard.
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Re: Rino 750 AUS UHF CB Fault - Channel 40

Unread post by GPSrChive »

It would be very helpful in getting full attention of Garmin software engineers if you can make a short video showing the Setup About page (Firmware Version will be displayed), then channel 40 selected, listen to the noise for a moment, then turn squelch up all the way so it is clear that does not stop the noise. If you can have another brand radio and open channel 40 on that radio and show how clear it is, that would be icing on the cake.

Either share via upload website or on YouTube, then I will make sure the correct people at Garmin see the video.
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Re: Rino 750 AUS UHF CB Fault - Channel 40

Unread post by Wombo »

Unfortunately, with this one Garmin engineers are already well aware of the details and have acknowledged it for years.
The main purpose of posting was to let others know as it's becoming more likely it's not going to get fixed.
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