Status of Garmin Adventures?

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Status of Garmin Adventures?

Unread post by dmb1319 »

I stumbled onto a GAIAGPS "feature" that reminded me of Garmin Adventures. It's been a very long time since I looked at Garmin Adventures. Originally I thought they were a good idea, severely crippled by the requirement for users to have Garmin Basecamp installed in order to view an Adventure. I also wasn't fond of the idea that ALL Adventures were viewable by ANYone.
I recall seeing appeals here for Adventures but was unaware the requirement to have Basecamp installed had changed so never gave it a serious look.
When I look at Basecamp there is STILL a menu item to create an Adventure. This struck me as strange given Garmin's announcement here: ... aErQ0AUU49
"This is to inform you that Garmin Adventures will be discontinued after May 20th, 2018."

All this begs the questionS, what is the real status of Garmin Adventures?
Can users still create Adventuress?
Can Adventures be shared? If so, how?
Is any special software required to view an adventure?

Garmin Adventures COULD be a good idea if it was possible to create a shareable file in a video format like mpeg or avi.
I have and use OBS Studio for recording my display to create tutorials. If I could run an Adventure, I COULD record it with OBS Studio to a video file format viewable by anyone. That's a little trouble to go to for something that should be a "built-in" feature.
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Re: Status of Garmin Adventures?

Unread post by GPSrChive »

dmb1319 wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 3:58 pm All this begs the question, what is the real status of Garmin Adventures?
Garmin Adventures were one of my absolute most favorite features, and I was and still am so very disappointed that Garmin stopped supporting them.

dmb1319 wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 3:58 pm Can users still create Adventures?
Yes, anyone can create and edit Garmin Adventures.

dmb1319 wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 3:58 pm Can Adventures be shared? If so, how?
Yes, but not quite as easily as when they were all available from an online database.

dmb1319 wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 3:58 pm Is any special software required to view an adventure?
Not sure what you consider 'special software' to be.

Garmin Adventures can be viewed with BaseCamp and most Garmin handheld outdoor GPSr produced since ~2008.

Please visit GPSrChive > How To... > Adventures for additional information.
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Re: Status of Garmin Adventures?

Unread post by dmb1319 »

First, THANK you for the information and answers.
As far as this is concerned:
Not sure what you consider 'special software' to be.
Microsoft Windows, Apple OS and Linux (Mint at least) all come with something "out of the box" to enable users to at least view or hear:
Text files (txt, csv, etc)
Various image file formats (bmp, jpg, etc)
Various video file formats (AVI, MP4, etc)
Portable Document Files (PDFs)
Various audio files (mp3, etc)
Users may and often do install other software programs according to their preferences, but these capabilities are there with the OS.

GAIA GPS enables users to view geotagged images on a GPS track a little like a Garmin Adventure
( ... eshow=true)
using most web browsers. IE, no 'special software' is required.
AYVRI files are a little like adventures in as much as they show a running GPS track overlaid onto 3D imagery using a web browser. Again, no "special software" is required.
However, When it comes to a gdb file, users MUST install Garmin Basecamp to view/use these. And the same is true with Garmin Adventures. Users MUST install Garmin Basecamp to view Garmin Adventures.
I might have embraced Garmin Adventures if Garmin had chosen to enable them to be viewed in a web browser or SOME way without installing Basecamp. It's not that I have any objections to Basecamp. I am a HUGE fan. But I think IF I developed adventures i would probably like to be able to share them with folks who do not have Basecamp installed and who are not tech savvy enough to go download, install it and get an Adventure to run in itl I think a lot of folks would loose interest along that path and Garmin, IMHO, did a poor job of fielding a great idea.
The only feeling better than needing something on the trail and having it, is having it and not needing it!
Ride prepared!
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