Is the GPSMAP 66s worth it help me choose ??

Discussion related to the Garmin GPSMAP 66s/st GPSr
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Is the GPSMAP 66s worth it help me choose ??

Unread post by mobeasto123 »

Hi guys, I'm about to change my old garmin Etrex Vista Cx to a new one. It has been a reliable gps for all those years except when in deep wood. It needs to have a clear view of the sky often. Anyways today with multi-band units and bird's eye view it is pretty attractive to change for a new one. This Year I changed my hunting partner and also my hunting technique. I've been for 2 weeks in the woods, sometimes clear sky but sometimes deep under trees and in some deep valleys. I've been suffering from bad reception on my Vista CX and nearly got lost 3 or 4 times. So here I am. I would like to know how the gpsmap 66s (non-multiband) performs compared to the gpsmap 65s(multiband) or even my old Vista Cx as far as precision and satellite acquisition in deep cover and canyon. I can't seem to find any review on that anywhere. I really want a device that I can use on AA batteries, I can always have a couple pairs of AA in my pack and I don't really use it in cold winter time. I'm a bit on a budget so I'm looking for the best option out there and really convince myself to use an internal battery as the gpsmap 66sr.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Is the GPSMAP 66s worth it help me choose ??

Unread post by pokyyy »

I can't give you the exact comparison between those but I used to have the 66i and it was riddled with issues, it would shut down unexpectedly (even after two new units). It was very pricy and had an internal battery.
I have now the 65s and so far I have been very happy with it. It acquires a location much quicker than 66i and what has surprised me is that I get a GPS fix quickly even inside the house. I have not used it in the woods yet.
My plan is to used it in the winter at low temperatures and I am hoping eneloop Pro batteries will be fine as they have a temperature rating of -20 C.
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Re: Is the GPSMAP 66s worth it help me choose ??

Unread post by scotte »

I've had about 8 different Garmin GPS units going back to a 12XL over 20 years ago, from handhelds to fixed marine units. I've only ever had one Garmin device that was so buggy to be unreliable, and that was a 66s. This was two years ago - I sent it back and picked up a 64s, and from the posts I see around here it doesn't sound like the 66 series has gotten much better during that time. I don't know anything about the 65s, but personally I would steer clear of the 66 series.
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Re: Is the GPSMAP 66s worth it help me choose ??

Unread post by GPSrChive »

I'll cut right to the chase here.

The positioning accuracy and reliability of the newer Multi-Band models can't be beat, and I personally do not see myself ever buying another GPSr that isn't Multi-Band, of which there are currently only two offerings, the GPSMAP 65 series and GPSMAP 66sr.

The 66sr is on another level in terms of features and functionality compared to the 65, and both will provide unmatched positioning performance. For some, it comes down to the internal battery vs 'AA' batteries, and I personally know quite a few of the 'AA' battery type users who were very leery at first, but after taking the plunge they have never been happier than they are with the 66sr.

I have access to nearly every Garmin GPSr available over the last 20 years, and the 66sr is my first pick every time. Except for when it isn't, and that is only when I want/need that glorious screen on the new Montana 7x0 series. But, it isn't Multi-Band, and when positional accuracy and performance are a priority, the GPSMAP 66sr will be at my side.

Sometimes I just take them both!
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Re: Is the GPSMAP 66s worth it help me choose ??

Unread post by Александр »

I absolutely agree that you should stay away from Episode 66. I have 66st, complete disappointment and regret about the purchase, so much time has passed since the release of this device, and there are more errors and glitches than in a Chinese toy, and even support for questions about errors stupidly replies that everything was intended this way.
Абсолютно согласен с тем, что от 66 серии надо держаться подальше. У меня 66ст, полное разочарование и сожаление о покупке, прошло столько времени с выхода этого девайса, а ошибок и глюков больше чем в китайской игрушке, да и ещё поддержка на вопросы об ошибках тупо отвечает, что всё так и задумано.
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Re: Is the GPSMAP 66s worth it help me choose ??

Unread post by francesco »

I bought my 66s after years with a 62st, and I'm still quite disappointed. Sure it is more precise in difficult environments thanks to two (not three) GNSS, but many other aspects are worst than a device that is 8 years older. Altimeter is unreliable, some hardware details are just wrong (SD holder), sometimes it can't find HRM, some crashes & bugs, 1990s style USB speed.. Screen is bigger, but screen usage could be better.
My advise is to avoid 66s. I'm not familiar with 65s, it may worth a try if you seek for best precision.

ps. In my experience eneloop AA performs better than lithium in very cold environments.
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Re: Is the GPSMAP 66s worth it help me choose ??

Unread post by g66 »

66 is a really bad series
My favourite was 60CSX
Garmin did not make any improvement in last 10 years
Really bad support directly from garmin
A lot of known bugs without getting an update therefore

BUT, i cannot gibe any recommendation to any og the new garmin series
If there will come a new hardware, you have to wait 2-3 years to resolve the worst bugs

I do not know, what will be the plans in the future, but i think, improved handhelds are not on the list

I had more than 10 different Garmin handhelds in the last years starting with geko 201 ;-)
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Re: Is the GPSMAP 66s worth it help me choose ??

Unread post by Mongo »

I have a 66s and have been underwhelmed/aggravated by it most of the time. On balance, there have been some good times too though. This is my first Garmin and although it boasts a lot of functions, they are so buggy that you end up doing things to avoid using those functions. It's quite a big unit and be prepared for the "you need a newer mobile phone" type jokes...

Bugginess - For instance, the only way to get geocaches into the unit is by doing a pocket query and transferring manually to an SD card. If you try any other way it will put in the internal memory and then the unit slows down to be virtually unusable. All that memory yet you can't bloody use it.

Battery power - has serious drain issues so you'll have to turn off Wifi and Bluetooth unless you really need to use them but turn off straight away. The only batteries that are up to the job are Enerloop which have actually made the unit useable now for me. First time out with alkaline they were dead within 1 hour, but I realised that "chirp" was on and it killed it. Needless to say I wasn't happy.

Waypoint/Route import - Only let's you import 50? waypoints at a time, so if you create a route from another piece of software, bear that in mind. I've found that Garmin Explore is the best thing to use, and sync that to the device with Express (or Connect, I forget which). Synching etc between Express, Explore, Connect is not as simple as you'd want, I think I need to create a 1000 page manual to help with this.

I am persevering with the unit, starting to get the best out of it now I know to avoid most of the in-built "functionality" and use it for walks and geocaching. Had a good 15k walk a couple of weekends ago where batteries held out, the route I had created in Explore worked ok, and all was good with the world.

Would love to know alternative GPS units, as you can tell my first endeavors with Garmin have not been great... :roll:
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Re: Is the GPSMAP 66s worth it help me choose ??

Unread post by asprin624 »

I defence of the 66s or any handheld GPS unit reading the manual is a must if you are a first timer. Plus this site has been very helpful to put one in the correct direction on how one setup the 66. As for install Geocaches I have no problems with any of that. I login on my PC and get the Geo's I need for a hike I am going to us and copy them over to the SD card on the 66. The same with hiking maps all on the SD card. Then I can switch out the SD card and put a different one depending where I am going to be. I use Ikea 2450mAh batteries and can get 3 to 4 days of heavy use out of them. I keep a set in my backpack for the just in case. The 66 is setup to do Geocaches and screen goes off when not in use. I have it on a belt clip which I put on my backpack and have a strap around my neck attached to the 66. So my hand are free all the time. I only take the 66 off the belt clip when I get the beep of a Geo near where I am or to check that I am on the correct path. Other than that it stays on my backpack. I posted how to fix the SD card problem causing the 66 to freeze when the latch does come a little undone. You can put the 66 into Expedition Mode for a total battery save too. But then you do not get any warning beeps in this mode. Also I do not use the Garmin Bluetooth apps only because there are a little buggy from time to time. As for WIFI I have only used it 2 times to do updates most of the time I just connect the 66 to my laptop via USB and do all my Geocache updated or tracks I might of made and any updated to the 66 via Garmin Express.
It is not a bad GPS unit I find no fault in it for what I use it for. The cost for it is OK. Some users have a had time holding it because of its size. My wife likes the Etrex 22X and 32x because of its size it fits better in her hand.
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Re: Is the GPSMAP 66s worth it help me choose ??

Unread post by Александр »

"Ikea batteries have a capacity of 2450 mAh and can last 3 to 4 days of intensive use." ?
Straight a magician, not otherwise.
It is strange that with such capabilities, he does not understand why people do not like devices that do not work.
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