If it's too technical for the GPSMAP 67 forum feel free to move it to another forum
I attached the complete RINEX file to this post (zipped). I also sent Garmin Product Support an email with the same questions.
67 RINEX file
- BDS header OBS TYPES missing B2a band observation descriptors, which means no B2a observation records although the device does use B2a band
- there are a lot of duplicate observation records, ie same satellite number and observation data. Could be a coincidence, but we have Bug 2 where the satellite page displays duplicate bars for the same satellite...
- the number of satellites observed does not match observations. Each EPOCH record includes the number of satellites observed, but this number does not match the actual number of observation records, even with all duplicates removed...
- missing L5 data for GPS, Galileo (possibly QZSS but cannot test). I do not understand enough of RINEX to check from which band the observation records are, but it is strange that each observation record only has max four observation data present even though the header specifies eight...
- BDS satellite number does not comply to RINEX format (1 letter followed by two numbers), instead I'm seeing a letter followed by 10 numbers: for example satellite numbers E4294967161 or C4294967138...
- no GLONASS SLOT / FRQ # header record. I guess this means that you cannot reliably determine what Glonass Satellite was observed and which frequency?
- time of first observation missing time system identifier (required in mixed observation file). I guess not a big deal because all times seem to be UTC but still not compliant to the RINEX spec
And do the other RINEX capable devices (Montana 700 series, GPSMAP 66 series) have the same issues?