GGZ files disappearing??

Discussion related to the Garmin Oregon 7x0 series GPSr
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GGZ files disappearing??

Unread post by stantastic »

I've just started experience this problem on my Oregon 750. I use GSAK (running on Windows 11 under Parallels on a MacBook Pro) and have been using same procedure for years. Once I get the database I want, I upload to the GPSr using GarminExport macro, then disconnect the unit from the cable. For the last TWO TIMES in a row, I double check to make sure the GGZ file and POI's are loaded by actually checking the GPSr's folders, and turning the GPS on to view geocaches and the map -- everything looks hunky-dory, just like normal. I'm ready to go. Turn the unit off and head off to cache the next day. Turn the unit on when I get close to my first cache I want to find -- and ALL OF THE CACHES ARE GONE. Nothing. I get back home, plug in the GPS, and the GGZ file has disappeared. The POI's that GarminExport creates are still there in the POI folders, but GGZ file is missing.

Short of doing a GPSr "Reset" is there anything I might be missing? Any helpful suggestions appreciated. I'm at a loss for trying to figure out why a file is there one day, then gone the next. TIA...
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Re: GGZ files disappearing??

Unread post by GPSrChive »

This sounds very familiar, and working strictly from poor memory, I seem to recall, when using GGZ files myself, I found the best method was to remove the old GGZ files from the device first, then restart the GPSr and allow a full index process to complete. Then copy the new GGZ files to the device, restart and allow a full index again. Verify the info in the new GGZ files is displayed on the device NOW, not when you get to your destination.

Are you saving the GGZ to the internal memory or microSD card?
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Re: GGZ files disappearing??

Unread post by stantastic »

Now that you mention that procedure, I do remember reading about that a long time ago -- I've just never had that particular issue before. Actually, I think it had to do with saving a GGZ file with the "same name" as the previous GGZ file, where the workaround was to physically delete the old file (i.e., not just overwrite it). Although in this case, the GGZ file had a name that had not been used before. But I'll try that.

And I am saving the GGZ file to the internal memory. The microSD card only holds all of my map files.

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Re: GGZ files disappearing??

Unread post by GPSrChive »

Keep backup copies of the GGZ files so we can test them if they disappear off the device.
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Re: GGZ files disappearing??

Unread post by stantastic »

I can do that, too ;-)
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