
You Can Help!


All feedback (comments, corrections, questions, etc.) is welcome and encouraged. Please post feedback in the Discussion Forum, or send me a direct message. It may not always be possible for me to provide a reply, but be aware that every message is read, and all feedback is greatly appreciated.


If you enjoy using Southwest Trails, please share the project with others who may also benefit and/or contribute. With more people using and supporting the Southwest Trails project will translate directly into greater opportunity for refinement.

Data Contribution

The primary requirement for expanding Southwest Trails is data. GPSr track logs recorded out in the field by users like yourself are the preferred (and most reliable) data source. Data with this detail and accuracy is nearly impossible to acquire from government and other agencies. Any (and all) track data you can supply is needed and most appreciated, and will be integrated into the Southwest Trails project.

If you would like to collect and submit your track data to the project, please observe the following guidelines to ensure your submitted data is as useful as possible:

Select the appropriate state from the menu along the left side of the screen to submit your map data for that state. For tracklogs that extend into multiple states, choose the state for the most southwest point of the tracklog.

Data Sources

As it will require considerable time to manually record all of the trails in the southwest, it is beneficial to include other sources of trail data to help fill in the holes. Providing any information, links, etc. to any detailed trail maps or GIS data sets would be greatly appreciated. All data used for the Southwest Trails project should be:

Select the appropriate state from the menu along the left side of the screen to submit alternate map data sources for that state.

Report an Error

While the goal of the Southwest Trails project is to provide the most complete and accurate map available, mapping errors can and do occur. Should you discover any map errors or anomalies while using the current Southwest Trails map, please submit an error report:

Select the appropriate state from the menu along the left side of the screen to submit an error report for that state. For errors that extend into multiple states, choose the state for the most southwest point of the error being reported.